Our Story

On May 10, 1851, according to the minutes of the Grand Chapter, “A letter was received from Mr. Spence [probably John Spence (Jefferson 1850)] enclosing a petition for a charter signed by Messrs. W. B. Hamilton, O. Atkinson, H. B. Stephenson, C. G. Gassani, W. L. Davis, students of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. On motion, the petition was granted.”

For reasons unclear, the actual establishment of the chapter didn’t occur till January of  1859.

Phi Gamma Delta

Our Mission

Phi Gamma Delta unites men in enduring friendships, stimulates the pursuit of knowledge, and builds courageous leaders who serve the world with the best that is in them.

Phi Gamma Delta has 204,000+ initiated brothers since 1848; 10,000+ undergraduate brothers in 132 Chapters and 7 Provisional Chapters; and 40+ Graduate Chapters

Omicron Chapter

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Latest Graduate Communication

If we have your contact information, you should have received the most recent Graduate Communication.


Past Omicron Chapter newsletters for your enjoyment.

Our History

A link to Phi Gamma Delta's history of the Omicron Chapter.


What is the status of the Omicron Chapter?

The University of Virginia revoked recognition for the Omicron Chapter for a minimum of 4 years and Phi Gamma Delta subsequently revoked our charter in the spring of 2022.  The Chapter is currently inactive.

What is the Omicron Chapter House Society?

The Omicron Chapter House Society is a House Corporation made up of (9) Graduate Directors that volunteer their time for the care and maintenance of 128 Madison Lane.

What is happening with the Chapter House?

The Omicron Chapter House Society (House Corp) maintains ownership and responsibility over the property at 128 Madison Lane.  It is currently being rented out to undergraduate students of the University of Virginia.

Where can I get more information?

Contact us at inquiries@uvafiji.org

How Can I support the Omicron Chapter?

There are lots of ways to contribute and support to our efforts to recolonize the Omicron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.  Your participation and time is extremely valuable.  We also continue to accept donations for the purpose of maintaining 128 Madison Lane and supporting graduate communications.


We are a chapter founded on Friendship, Knowledge, Service, Morality, Excellence… and most of all, Persistence.

When was the last time you spoke to your pledge brother?  

Contact us and we can help reconnect you.

